Center for National and International Studies



The FB users share information and video related to the action of Musavat on the 12th in front of the City Council. One of the videos show a desperate woman from Baku village passionately speaking how she never got a response to her complaints to the highest level officials away from journalists, and how while giving an interview she was squeezed away from journalists into the metro station by the police. Some of them were hijacked from the street and their fate, like the deputy head of Musavat Razim Amiraslanli  was unknown for more than a day, he was  subsequently given 15 days of administrative detention. People widely share videos with police brutality, information about activists and officials of Musavat party arrested and detained both before , during  and after the action. The total number of detained reached 51 people ( see the full list in Basta news

The journalists report about many of them being called to the police station before the rally for a “preventive conversation”, which is in fact pressure and warning not to cover the unsanctioned vigil by Musavat. The chair of Musavat Arif Hajili was arrested before the rally started. He said: “ The agitation which the government showed by its violent reaction to the ordinary vigil shows how insecure  and confused it is”. The videos depicts old people, handicapped, many women, who speak about their need for freedoms, rights, normal life with dignity. The leader of the other opposition party Ali Kerimli in  a spirit of solidarity came up with statement condemning the reaction of authorities and detention and dispersal of rally participants – the Musavat activists. The journalist Chingiz  Sultansoy writes: “ Paradoxically, but the rally of Musavat party succeeded, in spite of detentions of its activists and its leaders which started even a week before the action, in spite of threatening the journalists, and arrest of their chair Arif Hacili an hour and a half before the action. It succeeded because the party even with its small groups coming out to people manage to declare demands of freedoms and rights. Police would detain  them immediately as soon as they reached them, but they managed to declare their demands. The rally succeeded, because the party did not refuse of exercising of its Constitutional rights of freedom of assembly and mass political rallies without the written permission of authorities, expressed their demands to the people and authorities, and acted in an organized way in the absence ( detention) of their leaders. Both in Azerbaijan and in the world they heard again about the existence of the historical democratic party Musavat and its goals. How else can one  prove its political functioning in the conditions of severe repressions?”

In turn the former Musavat member ( he was expelled from it in 2014) and the human rights defender Taleh Khasmammadov ridiculed the behaviour of the former head of the party Isa Gambar, who “ quietly” entered the peaceful premises of his office just moments before the beginning of the rally. In his next posting he also appeals to a president, who signed a few decrees firing and reshuffling the heads of regional executive power, to sack also the one at Goychay region, who tormented people for a long time, and whatever they do, he is still there.

FB users continue to discuss the composition of the round table arranged by Musavat earlier. The activist in exile in the USA Ramiz Yunus, who strongly criticised the participation in the round table of two representatives- Panah Huseyn and Ali Insanov suggested to replace them with the number of young activists and women, including Khadija Ismayil and Ilkin Rustamzadeh, along with the one of the recently resigned REAL leaders Azer Gasimli.

The FB users widely covered and shared the events in Bolivia, and the photo of ousted president Morales, who is featured with the flag of Mexico on the plane taking him there for exile.  Azadlyq newspaper quotes Seid Nuri ( activist in exile), who comments: “Do you see with him anyone else of those who was helping him to stay in power? Falsify elections or else? No, he escaped by himself, leaving all his supporters behind him, and they would be held responsible before people. This should be a lesson to all of those, who now help our dictator to stay in power – do not become an enemy of the people…”

FB users report about arrest of the deputy chair of the AG party ( similar to AK party in Turkey, founded by the former  leaders of the youth branch of Musavat party, who left it after the elections of 2014) Ehed Mammadli, while he was walking the street.

People widely share the news that each policeman who was violently dispersing the recent opposition rallies was rewarded by the president with the 200 manat present card of Bravo supermarket.

Altay Geyushov of REAL  posted the following:”..The opposition should seriously be preparing for the parliamentary elections– should speak day and night about them, as this would be their last chance..And there should be one message to people-you either participate in elections and get the power back to form it yourself, or your children will be the victim of the second Heydar ( meaning the son of the current president-L.A.) No other choice.”

The female journalist, as well as Nurlan Libre,  has been exposing with her camera the man in civilian clothes Ismayil Zalov, presenting himself as an expert in law, who was grabbing the protesters at the opposition rally.

FB users share the information from pro-government media, that  newly appointed president of the Academy of Sciences Ramiz Mehdiyev started reforms and the cartoon, which reflected an immediate reaction of the artist Gunduz Aghayev.

A female journalist Konul Ali posted a photo of a British Ambassador James Sharp sitting on the floor while speaking to the Azerbaijani Paralympic sportsman in wheelchair  at the reception. She comments: “Let our bureaucrats see this photo- may be it can be a model behaviour for them, if only the fat on their abdomen from all the corrupt income will allow them to repeat it”

FB users share the information about the police operation in Germany against the Azerbaijani organized group in 4 cities- Dusseldorf, Frankfurt on Mein, Koln and Wiesbaden, inspecting their 13 businesses.

People share a video of youth activist Bakhtiyar Hadijyev asking a question of prime-minister of Armenia at the Paris Peace Forum about Nagorno-Karabagh. Many commented that in his response the prime-minister was not telling the truth.

FB users widely share the scandal developing about the prominent Russian ( of Azerbaijani origin – he is the son of famous Azerbaijani writer, but was born in Moscow) linguist Gasan Guseynov, who used the expression “ Russian cloak language of newspapers”  and was attacked in the vast media campaign , as well as by the ethics commission in his institute ( High Economic School) in Moscow.

People continue to share information about the state of health of human rights defender Oktay Gulaliyev, who was hit by a car and brought to Turkey for treatment  with sponsorship of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The relatives share the information, that  new threat to his health appeared in the form of infection in his lungs. The FB users also worryingly share the information that for some strange reasons the hospital in Turkey is not specialized in neurosurgery.

People comment on increasing prices of products and cost of living, often in the form of the joke. Mammad Ibrahim for instance posted the following statement: “Azerbaijanis traditionally most of all love eggplants and beans. And if there is a meat, they love meat too”.

The FB users continue campaign on discrediting the MPs and other officials. The story about villas and riches of the head of the Muslim Board of the Caucasus Sheikh Ul Islam Pashazadeh is called Sheikh Banan ( hinting on his monopoly over the import of bananas).


November 14, 2019