A Conference on “Eurointegration and the way of settlement of the conflicts” organized by the Center for National and International Studies was held in Lenkoran city on May 28.
In her opening speech at the conference Leyla Aliyeva, President of the Center for National and International Studies emphasizes that 93 years before, on that day of 1918 the first democratic state – Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was established. “Despite the difficulties, ADR always adhered the policy of integration with Europe.”
Ali Resul Usul, doctor of Istanbul Bahchishehir University touching upon the conflicts happened in the history of modern Turkey stated that today Turkey is facing 3 main problems in its foreign policy – strained relations with Cyprus, Armenia and Greece delay the process of integration of Turkey with Europe. “Acceptance of one part of Cyprus to the European Union was great mistake” – emphasized the Turkish guest.
Yadigar Sadikhov, a teacher of the Lenkeran State University speaking about the Eurointegration process and history of conflicts stated that “there have no been any military conflicts between the democratic states yet, but on the contrary permanent conflicts are happening between the states where dictatorship dominates. For instance, Iran-Irak conflict, occupation of Kuwait by Iraq, etc.”
In his speech Togrul Juvarli, analyst of Turan Agency stated that “today some people think that we should rely upon and trust somebody. But if the society is strong, then the state would be strong and there would no need for relying upon any powerful state.”
“Europe tries to ensure equal rights in each 3 states in the Southern Caucasus despite conflicts happening there, and to bring their legislations in line with European standards”- emphasized Togrul Juvarli.
Ali Abasov, Professor of National Academy of Sciences comparing CIS and European Union stated that “any conflicts have not been settled in the CIS space and at present some conflicts are still continuing. On the other hand, we see that the conflicts happening from time to time are being settled as soon as possible. The main reason of it is that the member countries of the European Union differ from each other only in their cultures.”
Leyla Aliyeva commenting the speech of Ali Abasov stated that today the chance of acceding to the European Union by the countries of Eastern Partners is high compared to Turkey.
The event was continued with interesting discussions.
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June 3, 2011