Center for National and International Studies



The most discussed topics on FB were: the state of health and the case of the human rights defender Ogtay Gulaliyev, repressions against opposition activists in connection with unsanctioned planned meeting on the 12th November, the round table arranged by the Musavat party, the story of businessman Magsud Mahmudov, who escaped abroad, the occupied territories in Karabagh and other regions in connection with the visit of prime-minister of Armenia Pashinian to the previously Azerbaijani populated city Shusha to attend the wedding of the secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigorian, visit of Lavrov to Armenia, Putin’s statement on corruption, the video with the Russian stand up comedian imitating Putin, continue to ridicule the members of Parliament of Azerbaijan.

FB users share Azad Soz TV by Tural Sadyghli: interview with Gubad Ibadoglu and Siyavush Mustafayev: the issue of raising salaries for the policemen. Siyavush Mustafayev stressed that as a result of reforms in Georgia Saakashvili reduced the number of policemen from 85 thousands to 25 thousands, and the salaries were increased not at the expanse of the budget. But it seems the government wants to increase their number in Baku, also there was a new law- the more violation protocols they write for drivers, the more they benefit , as 20% of this income will go to policemen according to the new law.

The businessman Maqsud Mahmudov, who was seen on the video with detentions and dispersal of the participants of the 19 October rally left the country and gave an interview to the canal 13 disclosing details of shadow deals of elite in the country, while expressing loyalty to the first lady. Further in the interview to Azerbaijan Saati he also said, that for the suppression of the opposition meeting the government brought the plane with 3,000 Kurdish fighters from Syria. He said that 98% of the current government is acting illegally and they are controlled and managed by Eldar Mahmudov ( ex- Security Minister), who possesses thousands of compromising videos on each personality- official, businessman, activist.

Sanan Aghayarov shares and comments on the information about attempt of the youth to hold a rally devoted to the day of the National Banner, but the police blocks it. “The right of freedom of assembly again is rudely violated. The regime of dictatorship does not allow people to hold public meeting and police got intervened immediately”.

People share the satirical cartoon depicting the director of the oil company Rovnaq Abdullayev and his son with his watch in the middle ( referring to the scandal with his 2 mln dollar worth watch stolen in Spain) and the calculation, that if an average citizen starts saving 100 manats from each salary in 200 years there will be enough to buy the watch for the son of the SOCAR’s director.

FB users share an information about calling to police station of the youth activist Rustam İsmayilbeyli who is 17 years old and has been disclosing arbitrariness in the Baku State University as well as that he father failed to receive the foreign passport from the service ASAN ( the matter of pride of Azerbaijani authorities as the institute of effective provision of the registration services for the citizens), due to the exit ban imposed on his father.

Ismayil Jalilov’s programme featured Ali Gulaliyev, the son of the human rights defender Oktay Gulaliyev who was speaking about the evidence of the high level request in his father being hit by the car.

Democracy activist Hikmet Haci-zadeh gave an interview to Farkhad Mehdiyev in the programme Sozlu Adam about the round table of opposition by the initiative of Musavat party. He explained the decisions, memorandum, and also answered some questions such as participation of Ali Insanov (ex-health minister). He stressed that he spent 13 years in prison and did not surrender, and also upon his release he apologized for his mistakes of the past, and he considers this is quite a rare habit culturally. Society was very sensitive to his presence there, and this is an indicator that people want changes. This is also a proof that moral demands are strong among people.

People share interview of the famous composer and the government critic Javanshir Guliyev who emigrated and currently works abroad to Osmanqizi TV. He appraised the character of Azerbaijan people, who in spite of the repressive regime continue to resist. He said has never supported this regime, as he always saw its problems and the cruelty to people.

The other interview of Osmangizi TV with Jamil Hasanli is shared who says that only opposition parties cannot reach changes, the will of people is no less important. The unification should not be in the office, but at the protest venues- at the Maydan. He also denied rumours that he might not come back home from the US, where he is now. He also criticised the popular expression” I do not involve in politics” , as the violation of rights and injustice is not the issue of politics, but conscience. This regime, like all others, will perish one day, and then the grandchildren will ask everyone- how come you did not resist? One of the major reasons why we are in such critical conditions, is that each social group escapes its duty and responsibility, including intelligentsia.

Tural Sadyghli interviewed Ramis Yunus, an activist in exile, and Isa Sadikov, the colonel and political émigré, on the round table arranged by Musavat. Ramis Yunus strongly criticized the composition of the round table calling it the event based “on corporate interests”, especially focused on the notorious figures of Ali Insanov and Panah Huseyn, while Isa Sadikov supported the round table. The latter appraised the composition, referring to the experience of people and that they are the ones, which the government will not be able to intimidate or buy off.

Ismayil Jalil interviewed Ilgar Mammadov (REAL party), Nahid Jafarov ( Oyan movement), Bayram Mammadov ( the ex- political prisoner), who attended the Forum 2000 in Prague. Ilgar Mammadov was asked why his exit ban was lifted, unlike the other political leaders (Ali Kerimli), he said that they are consistently trying to make the government to implement the decision of the ECHR and allow REAL members to participate in the next year parliamentary elections. He also said, that he was not asked for interview by other Azerbaijan media present in Prague. There was a question on whether they will participate in rallies, but he said that they communicate with the Council of Europe, which is in dialogue with the government and they try to make the government to provide for the rule of law. If this does not succeed, then REAL will arrange the rallies too. He confirmed that they are in political dialogue with the government via Council Europe. He said he was upset that there was no a direct dialogue with the government. “ Are there any healthy forces in the government?” – “ We perceive it as one unit, as we do not want to get involved in intrigues”. We consider that there are two parts in our society- we and the government ( 14%). If the elections will take part with violations, we will be out in the streets.”

The FB users share the quotations from Gubad Ibadoglu (ADR movement leader), who is currently abroad. “ Of every 100 manats of the budget funds, 21 manat 61 gepik goes to the force structures, 18 manat 20 qepik to the construction, 1 manat to the environment and 0, 70 manat to the science.”

November 11, 2019

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