Center for National and International Studies





The users continue to discuss the situation around SOCAR in the context of the clashes with the war veterans, and  citation of the talk show presenter Murad

that oil does not belong to people, but to the state. They share the statements by Altay Geyushev, historian and opposition activist, that “oil of course belongs to the son of SOCAR’s president who has a watch for 2 mln dollars, but not to the citizen, who cannot afford 1, 500 manat education fee to give his son to the high school”, or by the journalist Shahveled Cobangolu, who asserted, that “oil today belongs to Ilham Aliyev”.

Ali Kerimli commented on the clashes between SOCAR and war veterans: “ We are to blame. It is not enough to give support the veterans via social networks,  we as a society after such event should have achieved the resignation of the president of SOCAR, millions of people should have demanded to attract him to responsibility due to the unlimited corruption, the son’s 2 miln worth watch, violation of rights of handicapped veterans. We did not do it. Instead. SOCAR is now attacking and blaming the veterans, as it seems it not only has an armed groups, but also a “hired” media and MPs. But it is not late yet, we still can correct our mistake.

Azad soz( Free word) showed the video interview with Nubar Hasanova, who decsrived the circumstances of her property ( house, fence etc.)  destroyed in January 2019 by SOCAR employees, who demanded 25,000 manats of bribe, or threatened to burn the house with her and her children inside.

The users shared the information  with reference to Son Soz ( Last Word), that the head of the SOCAR foreign investment department Vagid Aliyev underage son’s bank account with 47,6 mln dollars was allegedly frozen in Switzerland.

The topic about “trolls” of the Popular Front Party ( originally introduced by the journalist and news anchor Ismayil Jalilov) continues to be developed. Newly released opposition journalist Seymur Hezi after 5 year of imprisonment, stated that “again the campaign  discrediting the Popular Front Party continues, provocations in the form of insulting commentaries continue, we have investigated them – and discovered behind most of the special ( intelligence) service’s work.”

The users discuss the victory at the FIDE world cup championship of the Azerbaijani chess player Teymur Rajabov, and the victory, in spite of the provocation at the football match of the Azerbaijan team Karabagh in Luxemburg. The match was interrupted by the drone with the Karabagh Armenian separatists “flag”  flying over the field. The Azerbaijani team stopped playing, while the political activist in exile  Ordukhan Babirov  ran out to the field with the Azerbaijani flag.

The topic of Karabagh conflict with Armenia is widely discussed in the context of exchange of statements by two presidents – Pashinian of Armenia and Aliyev of Azerbaijan- on whose is Karabagh. The users comment with irony, that it took so long the Azerbaijani president to reply to the Armenian president.

The upcoming elections of the head of the opposition party Musavat at the 9th congress of the party on the 12th of October and events around them are the subjects of intense coverage and discussion among activists. The attempts of the candidates touring the regions of the country to meet with their constituencies are met with the resistance and intervention by the police force and local executives. In Jalilabad region, where more than 70 representatives of the three ( Jalilabad, Masalli and Bilesuvar)  regional branches of the party came to the meeting more than 20 police and civilian dressed security dispersed the meeting and has taken to the police station party regional officials such as Hidayet Ismayilov, Azer Asker, Akif Bedirli and Rustam Rustamov, including  officials of the Masalli branch of Musavat party, such as Allahverdi Rehimli and Ramiz Abdulla, who  after interrogation there were released.  The users also report and post pictures of the group in civilian clothes throwing eggs into opposition party activists. Earlier the police prevented meetings with constituencies of Yagublu and Sadighly in the Balaken, Gakh, Zakatala, Shaki and Oguz regions from pressure and intimidation up to closing the cafes and restaurants.

The satirical poet in exile Miraz Sakit describes an episode during attack to the Musavat party in Jalilabad region. The extremely poor looking local ( apparently directed by the police) attacked the head of the party Arif Hajili with shouting: You stole all the country’s resources and sold it to Ashraf and now came to do the same with the Jalilabad resources!” The mysterious Ashraf appeared to be misunderstood the word “ offshore”, which the police told him about, when directing him to attack the Musavat leader.

The opposition activists express concern and exceedingly negative reaction to the relations becoming closer including the proposal of Russia to build a nuclear station in  Azerbaijan.

Ilgar Mammadov comments on the statement by Karabagi Armenians, that in order to improve the situation with human rights in the region, they will request close cooperation with the Council of Europe. He says, that while Azerbaijan government not fulfilling decisions of the ECHR, this trend will intensify.

October 6, 2019

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